Hair Mesotherapy

Hair mesotherapy is one of the treatment methods for retaining a healthy scalp and strengthening hair follicles.

This method is also applied in the case of abnormal loss of hair, which is usually caused by stress, weakened circulation, dietary imbalance, hormonal changes and excessive male hormone production, known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the hair follicles.

Usually, 1 or 2 applications a week suffice. The treatment usually takes between 2 and 5 months. The duration of a single procedure is approx. 30 minutes.

The resulting effect is very individual. It usually occurs within 3 months. Despite being rather time-consuming, the treatment is still one of the most effective solutions of improving hair quality and fighting alopecia - excessive hair loss.

Course of treatment

The active substance is applied through a needle into the washed scalp after it was disinfected. Redness or swelling commonly appear immediately after the procedure, sometimes a little bruise may occur as well. The scalp may be sensitive to touch for the next 24 hours, but the patient may return immediately to his everyday life without any limitations.


price list

Hair mesotherapy Price
1 session  2,600 CZK
subscription for 5 sessions 11,750 CZK
subscription for 10 sessions 20,000 CZK