Rejuvenation, wrinkles

MUDr. Gabriela Mrzlenová Guarantor of the topic

MUDr. Gabriela Mrzlenová

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Pracujete i se Slymfirm, pripadne Morpheus8?

Jaroslava, 12. 12. 2024 Answer »


Can I walk in or need to book ahead of time? Do you have a free slot on Friday And what is the cost Thanks

Adnan, 12. 10. 2024 Answer »


Dobry den, rada bych se s Vami poradila o botulotoxine. Je mi 34 let a pozoruji na moji tvari vice vrasek na cele I vnejsich koutku oci. Rada bych se zeptala na cenu cela I oci razem, jelikoz jsem tohle nikdy nepodstoupila. Dekuji a preji krasnej den. S pozdravem Anonym.

3. 10. 2022 Answer »


Hello! What kind botullinum toxin do you use in clinic? Botox vs Dysport?

Tanya, 4. 8. 2022 Answer »

Botox for sharp jawline (chin botox)

Hello, I'd like to ask about availabilty for botox treatment on the chin. I got it in Korea several times. But I'm not sure it is available here or not. Please let me know it.

3. 7. 2022 Answer »


Hi i would like to ask how i will cost removal of wrinkles between the eyebrows? thank you

Zahari, 17. 3. 2022 Answer »

Botox appointment

Hello, do you have any appointments open for Botox on Saturday? Thank you

Laura, 27. 5. 2021 Answer »

Removal of dark circles and scars of face

Hi, I live in prague and I have dark circles under my eyes. Could you please let me know what is the procedure of treatment and how much it will cost. And how I can book the appointment. Thank you.

Anu, 22. 7. 2020 Answer »

Lip injection

Hi. I have some questions about lip injections. 1. Do u use regular(safe) injections as teosyl, restylane etc? 2. What kind of anesthetic do you use? 3. And what are thw prises for 1ml? Of teosyl nr 2? Thank you for answer. :)

Maiken Hansen, 17. 5. 2018 Answer »

Botox and Peeling/filler

Hello. What treatment you can make for the face. I am a man age 66 but I used to make Botix and filler for the last 6 years. Do you have any treatment for the neck to look better ? Thank you

Alsharhan, 31. 1. 2014 Answer »

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