Scars and Stretch Marks

By using lasers, we are able to soften, smooth and improve the overall appearance of your scars and stretch marks. At Esthé Laser Clinic we use modern laser technology, which is capable of producing great effects. For skin regeneration and the healing of scars after surgery, we use the biostimulation laser, while eMatrix is more effective against older and more distinct scars.

Laser scar removal

Do you have an unattractive scar from a surgical procedure? Do not despair, our modern age can offer sophisticated solutions. You can get rid of it by simple laser treatment.

It is advisable to come to the first procedure as soon as possible after the wound heals. You can support the healing process by the biostimulation laser, which contributes to a faster tissue restoration and helps to reduce swelling. It is recommended to repeat the biostimulation procedure 6- 8 times, with a frequency of once or twice a week. The procedure is performed using a comfortable optical beam and the treatment is painless. Soon after the healing is complete, the treatment of the emerged scar can begin. 

The treatment of older and distinct scars

We can also help to improve the appearance of older scars. It is particularly true for these scars that the sooner you start the treatment, the more efficient it will be. We can even treat keloid (domed) scars. A high-performance laser, which treats and reduces the hypertrophied vascular components of the tissue, is used for the treatment. We complement the treatment by local applications of corticosteroid substances. In case of unsightly healed scars, it is sometimes appropriate to proceed to a repeated surgery.

You do not have to fear the scar treatment, the laser correction of scars is only minimally painful.

Stretch mark removal by laser

Not only does laser easily deal with scars, it is highly effective against stretch marks too. These arise from the disorder of the connective tissue, which is receding and becoming thinner. This often takes place during pregnancy, obesity or hormonal disorders (e.g. Cushing's syndrome). The stretch marks cannot be completely removed, but we can significantly improve their appearance. For this purpose, we use the V-beam pulse laser.

Various forms of radio frequency treatment also have a marked therapeutic effect on stretch marks. This treatment succeeds in skin remodelling and supports the formation of collagen fibers. We use the eTwo / eMatrix device with the Sublative applicator, which is commonly used for effective smoothing of fine and moderately deep wrinkles, scars after acne, post-surgical scars or for reducing hyperpigmentation. It also positively affects bright stretch marks (eg. on the chest).

The application of Mesotherapy represents another way how to get rid of stretch marks.






Used methods

Biostimulation laser Medelisol

High performance LED lamp for anti-aging photomodulation and photodynamic therapy

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eMatrix Syneron/Candela

eMatrix Syneron/Candela sublative - fractional radio frequency device

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Price list

Scars  Price
Initial examination (paid only on the 1st visit) 500 CZK
Scars - small procedure 2,200 CZK
Scars - medium procedure 2,900 CZK
Scars - major procedure 4,900 CZK
Scars - application of a corticoid solution 2,000 CZK
Stretch Marks Cena
Initial examination (paid only on the 1st visit) 500 CZK
Strech marks - medium procedure 4,500 CZK
Stretch marks - major procedure 8,500 CZK
Stretch marks - mesotherapy RRS Strimatrix 10 ml 7,900 CZK
Biostimulation laser Cena
1 session (depending on the extent) 700 CZK
Subscription for a series of 5 sessions (depending on the extent) 3,000 CZK
Subscription for a series of 6 sessions (depending on the extent) 3,500 CZK
Subscription for a series of 10 sessions (depending on the extent) 5,000 CZK