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Vyhledat dle tématu

  • Vše
  • Akne
  • Biostimulační procedury
  • Chemický peeling
  • Hydratace pleti
  • Jizvy a strie
  • Kožní onemocnění
  • Kožní výrůstky
  • Laserová epilace
  • Laserová ošetření
  • Mezoterapie
  • Mikrojehličkování
  • Modelace rtů
  • Nadměrné pocení
  • Naši lékaři
  • Odstranění tetování
  • Omlazení pleti
  • Pigmentové skvrny a tetování
  • Plazmaterapie
  • Proctology
  • Rejuvenace
  • Rozšířené cévky
  • Ušní dírky
  • Vlasová ordinace
  • Výplně vrásek
  • Žilní onemocnění
  • Znaménka a pihy
  • Fotografie ke článku LIQUID FACELIFT – Esthé Laser Clinic



    Liquid facelift is non invasive form of the skin rejuvenation.This is the application of hyaluronic acid into the dermis where it starts creation of the collagen. The procedure is also painless and the effect lasts for up to two years.

    Fotografie ke článku About Skin Protuberances with Senior Doctor Zloský – Esthé Laser Clinic

    About Skin Protuberances with Senior Doctor Zloský


    The removal of skin protuberances by laser is a common and safe procedure, but even so, you might want to know a but more about it. The most common questions are answered directly by the senior doctor of our laser centre MD Pavel Zloský below.

    Anti-wrinkle laser


    Did you know that you can fight wrinkles not only with lotions or botox, but also with laser? What's more, it is painless!



    Plasma therapy or A-PRP therapy is a new and unique method of rejuvenation and skin regeneration. Only our own blood plasma is used in the process and therefore the body does not have to absorb any foreign substance. It is now newly available at Esthé.

    Laser as a Way to Youthful Appearance


    Would you like to give a more youthful impression? Would you like to regain your lost self-confidence? In order not to let fear from wrinkles make you stop smiling and still look younger, take advantage of the CO2 laser treatment of wrinkles in the so-called perioral area (i.e. around the mouth).

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